Sunday, March 11, 2012

You hurt me but I'm breaking this pattern.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2

Ever been hurt by your ex dating someone else quickly after you two broke up?  Or by your boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on you? How about by the parent that doesn't seem to care too much about what's going on in your life? Maybe by those people at school talking crap about you behind your back, or better yet, to your face. Then there is that best friend that constantly bails on you to hangout with their snuggle bug.

I have.

I took these situations wrong though. I saw them as a slap in the face. I thought it was my fault these things were happening. Too much effort went into trying to figure out what I did wrong. I never found an answer that got me too far, let alone a conclusion. I never found one because I didn't do anything wrong. 

I realized these people were heart broken. They did not do these things to spite me. They did these things because they were lost trying to find a way to fill a void. How I felt about the situation  probably never came to mind for them.

When I realized they were merely acting on their brokenness my heart changed toward the situations. The anger of wanting to punch them in the face or trip them in the middle of the street was flipped. I wanted to love them, I wanted true healing for them.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to fix their problems. I'm not able to force them through the muck so they can have the brighter side of a healed heart. They have to want it for themselves. All I'm able to do is pray for them and exercise my faith knowing God has them in His hands. 

It upsets me that other's wounds have such a huge impact in our life, which then make our wounds worse. It's time to recognize this and change the pattern. Forgive, forget, encourage and love them. That doesn't mean the bitterness is going to instantly flee from your stomach. I wish it did, but it's a process. Also, recognize the gift of bitterness being in your stomach, not your heart. The Holy Spirit is too strong to let a little bitterness touch something so precious to The Kingdom.

If we don't take this into action nothing will ever change. The world is going to keep feeding hurt and flourish in it, controlling our minds and piling us with chains. Wounds will bounce off brokenness, then pain, then hurt and repeat. Sadly, this is one tricky way Satan keeps us down.

A friend was explaining to me last night that this is one of the harder things to do while walking with God. Although you have been deeply hurt and your pain wants to take over, you cannot let it. We must face the pain and push the fleshly emotions to the side. It is crucial that we take the broken hearts under our wing in the Lords name and do nothing but love them.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

All glory to God.

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I truly appreciate you reading Denim and Eve! Thank you for the love!