Wednesday, December 14, 2011

10 Days of prayer, Day 8- Not just a princess

I confess my pride to You. I confess my judgments. I confess my worry. I'm trying and I wouldn't be able to have come this far without You living in me.

I'm open to anything You need to reveal to me. I'm open to change Lord. God, I have no idea what next year or month or even next week has in store for me. But I no longer fear it, because I have You close to me. It's hard and I've been using anger as a way to avoid real emotions. But I ask that You help me work though those emotions and make me stronger in You. Without You I'm nothing. Without You I'm just a weak soul submitting to a world of sin. Thank You for saving me from that.

Lord I ask to be filled. Not with just one thing like; joy, peace, or love. But all of those things, from Your Holy Spirit. I ask God for one of those life changing, free feeling opportunity's to rise Father. You know what I'm talking about. Have me rolling on the floor with Your laughter raging out of my heart. Have me standing up against the evil ones attempting to attack our home. Lord I ask to see the beauty You see again. The sweet simple images You've sent me filled with love. Lord, I ask You to put the ones on my heart that need prayer and love throughout my days. As you know, it's times like these that we've shared when I feel most close to You. Fill me Father, because I'm not only Your daughter, not just Your princess but I am Your warrior. And as a warrior, bringing glory to Your kingdom is my life. 

in Jesus name.

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I truly appreciate you reading Denim and Eve! Thank you for the love!