Monday, June 17, 2013

Dr. Kelso's office

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippains 4:4

Sometimes we need this reminder. I especially have needed it in the past couple of weeks. Life takes over so easily and stress eats me alive.

Last week I let every charity event, school essay and work shift absorb the energy I had left to the point of a “break down” day. I was in tears from the time I woke up until the afternoon. It was so strange. Has anyone seen the Scrubs episode where Dr. Kelso’s dog die? He hides in his office and cries while Carla covers for him. Then he gets to a point where he’s not emotionally upset but continued to cry. That was me.

Anyways, I had a friend Carla it up for me. She dropped her jam-packed day and met me in the middle of my stress and loved me exactly how Jesus wanted me to be loved. We met at the mall and chatted about the stress of life for half an hour then ventured to shop. We had so much fun that afternoon and by the end of it I thought, Thank you Lord.

I needed a break and community. I needed to stop and love the gifts God gave me and take the time to live life with them. In the midst of a work over load I needed to rejoice.

How have you rejoiced this week?

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I truly appreciate you reading Denim and Eve! Thank you for the love!